2009 General chemistry (일반화학)

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작성자 skills 댓글 0건 조회 3,400회 작성일 09-12-19 12:52


This course is designed for students who plan to major in the technology management. This course presents chemistry conceptually, focusing on the study of how atoms combine to form materials, on what materials are made of, and why they behave as they do.

경영계열 전공 1학년 학생들을 위한 일반화학 강의입니다.

Textbook: Conceptual Chemistry" 3th Ed. (Edited by John Suchocki, Pearson International Edition)

Weekly Schedule

1 Introductions and Chapter 1 (Chemistry is a Molecular Science)

2 Chapter 2 (Elements of Chemistry)

3 Chapter 3 & 4 (Discovering the Atom and Subatomic Particles, The Atomic Nucleus)

4 Chapter 5 (Atomic Models)

5 Chapter 6 (Chemical Bonding and Molecular Shapes)

6 First Mid-Exam

7 Chapter 7 (Molecular Mixing)

8 Chapter 8 (Those Incredible Water Molecules)

9 Chapter 9 (An Overview of Chemical Reactions)

10 Chapter 10 (Acids and Bases)

11 Chapter 11 (Oxidation and Reduction)

12 Second Mid-Exam

13 Chapter 12 (Organic Compounds)

14 Chapter 17 (Air Resources)

15 Chapter 19 (Energy Resources)

16 Final Exam



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