2009 Analysis and monitoring of organic pollutants (유기오염물질분석모니터링)

페이지 정보

작성자 skills 댓글 0건 조회 3,269회 작성일 09-12-19 13:52


Analysis and monitoring of organic pollutants (유기오염물질 분석/모니터링)

This course will focus on multimedia sampling, extraction, cleanup, and instrumental analysis for environmental monitoring of organic pollutants.

환경오염물질 분석을 위한 시료채취, 추출, 정제, 기기분석, 데이터 해석 등을 다루는 과목입니다.

No text book is required for this course.

Relevant review and research papers will be provided.

Weekly Schedule

1 Introduction (Basic concept)

2 Multimedia sampling methods

3 Extraction and cleanup

4 Separation by GC and LC


6 Mass spectrometry 1

7 Mass spectrometry 2

8 Mid-term exam

9 Research tour

10 Review and QA/QC

11 Data interpretation

12 Basic statistics and PCA

13 Air monitoring

14 Soil monitoring

15 Examples of monitoring projects

16 Final review and exam



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