New paper of Sang-Jin

페이지 정보

작성자 skills 댓글 0건 조회 1,404회 작성일 22-11-17 16:51


A new paper entitled "Reduction efficiency of secondary organic aerosols by emission reduction scenarios of volatile organic compounds in Ulsan" is accepted in Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment (Written in Korean).

Author list: Sang-Jin Lee, Byeong-Kyu Lee, Seong-Joon Kim, Dai-Gon Kim, Greem Lee, Hyun-Jung Kang, Hyo-Seon Kim, Dae-Yong Park, Sung-Deuk Choi*

울산시에서 배출되는 휘발성유기화합물을 줄이면 2차 생성 미세먼지도 줄어든다는 내용입니다.


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