Current Graduate Students (12)

Kim, Yujin (Join 2019, MS/PhD)

project theme: Defect study on Cs doped perovskite solar cell

Lee, Ji Eun (Join 2019, MS/PhD) [Lab Manager]

project theme: G-quadruplex based novel single ion conductor

Kim, Hyeongjun (Join 2019, MS/PhD)

project theme: Graphene functionalization under strain

Oh, Seung Hak (Join 2021, MS/PhD)

project theme: Computational study of anion-doped perovskite oxides for high permittivity and stability in dielectric materials

Kweon, Seong Hyeon (Join 2021, MS/PhD)

project theme: Theoretical study on metal salts redox activity for electrolyte additives application in Li-metal battery

Lee, Seung Min (Join 2021, MS/PhD)

project theme: Computational screening of catalytic materials for hydrogen peroxide generation via (photo)electrochemical water oxidation reaction

Cho, Yumi (Join 2021, MS/PhD)

project theme: Theoretical study on the self-assembly structure of supramolecule via multi-scale simulation

Kang, Ju Hwan (Join 2022, MS/PhD)

project theme: Training

Kwon, Dae Hyeon (Join 2023, MS/PhD)

project theme: Training

Shin, Jae Kwon (Join 2023, MS/PhD)

project theme: Training

Noh, Seunggeon (Join 2023, MS/PhD)

project theme: Training

Kim, Daeho (Join 2023, MS/PhD)

Main-advisor: Dr. Han Sang Soo, KIST

project theme: Training

Park Seyeong (03/2019-12/2019) coarse-grained modeling and simulation of influenza A virus
Ahn Eung Jin (Join 2013, main advisor: Dr. Kim Byung Soo, UNIST) 2D materials
Shin Byung Soo (Summer Visit Program 2013, main advisor: Dr. Kang Jeong Won, Korea University) Cabazoles