I graduated from SNU with a degree in Earth and Environmental Sciences, specializing in Oceanography. Thus, I am essentially an earth and environmental scientist.
I chose POSTECH for my graduate studies. During my master's program, I studied microbial degradation and the adsorption of persistent organic pollutants and metals.
I continued my studies in the same lab at POSTECH, but my research focus completely shifted to forest carbon and air pollution monitoring.
Work experience
Mar 2009 - Present
I joined UNIST as a founding faculty member in March 2009. As a committee chair and head of the School of Urban and Environmental Engineering, I played a key role in its development and design. At UNIST, my research has primarily focused on trace-level analysis of various toxic chemicals across multiple environmental compartments. Additionally, I have a strong interest in the chemical composition of fine particles and source-receptor relationships. My major research topics include the following:
Monitoring of toxic chemicals
Transport of PM2.5 and chemicals
Health risk
U of T
March 2006 - Feb 2009
Post doctoral fellow (PDF)
I worked with Prof. Frank Wania at the University of Toronto, Canada, for three years. My research there focused on passive air sampling and multimedia fate modeling. During this period, I became proficient in ArcGIS and various statistical tools. My major research topics included the following:
Passive air sampling of POPs and PAHs
Air/soil monitoring of PAHs
Multimedia fate modeling
March 2005 - Feb 2006
Post doctoral fellow (PDF)
After earning my PhD, I remained in the same lab for one year as a postdoctoral fellow under the supervision of Prof. Yoon-Seok Chang. During this time, I primarily worked on several projects funded by the Korean government and POSCO.
My major research topics included the following:
Passive air sampling of POPs and PAHs
Air dispersion modeling
Multimedia fate modeling
[17] Outstanding Achievement Award, Korea Federation of Water Science and Engineering Societies (2025.02) 한국물학술단체연합회 학술상
[16] Outstanding Achievement Award, Korea Society of Environmental Engineers (2021.11) 환경공학회 두산연강환경학술상
[15] Reviewer Award, Korea Society for Atmospheric Environment (2021.10) 대기환경학회 우수심사상
[14] Minister’s citation for the management of fine particles, Ministry of Environment (2021.06) 환경부장관 표창
[13] Reviewer Award, Korea Society for Atmospheric Environment (2018.10) 대기환경학회 우수심사상
[12] Achievement Award, Korea Society of Environmental Engineers (2017.11) 환경공학회 특별 공로상
[11] Minister’s citation for the management of POPs, Ministry of Environment (2016.12) 환경부장관 표창
[10] Outstanding Achievement Award, Korean Society for Environmental Analysis (2012.11) 환경분석학회 학술상
[9] Oral Presentation Award, Korean Society for Environmental Analysis (2011.11) 환경분석학회 구두발표상
[8] Best Teaching Award, UNIST (2010.02) 우수강의상
[7] Young Scientist Award, Korea Society for Atmospheric Environment (2009.10) 대기환경학회 신진연구자상
[6] Best Teaching Award, UNIST (2009.08) 우수강의상
[5] Poster Presentation Award, Korean Society for Environmental Analysis (2008.05) 환경분석학회 포스터발표상
[4] Oversea Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Korea Research Foundation (2005.08) 학술진흥재단 해외 포스닥
[3] International Research Internship, Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (2004.01) 과학재단 해외공동연구
[2] Rotary International Scholarship (2001.03) 국제 로타리클럽 장학생
[1] Class Valedictorian of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, POSTECH (2001.02) 수석졸업(올해의 환경대학원생)
[13] Editor in chief, Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, AJAE (2020.01-2021.12)
[12] Topical editor, Environmental Engineering Research, KSEE (2012.01-2021.12)
[11] International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (국제다이옥신학회)
[10] Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) (국제환경독성화학회)
[9] Korea Society of Analytical Science (한국분석과학회, 종신회원)
[8] Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry (한국응용생명화학회, 종신회원)
[7] Korean Chemical Society (대한화학회, 종신회원)
[6] Korean Society for Mass Spectrometry (한국질량분석학회, 종신회원)
[5] Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment (한국대기환경학회, 국문편집위원/종신회원)
[4] Korean Society of Environmental Engineers (대한환경공학회, 국문편집위원/종신회원)
[3] Korea Society for Environmental Analysis (한국환경분석학회, 이사/종신회원)
[2] Korean Society of Environmental Health and Toxicology (환경독성보건학회, 정회원)
[1] Korea POPs forum (코리아 POPs 포럼, 임원)